...Photographs should be protected from extended exposure to intense light sources. Limit exhibition times, control light exposure, and monitor the condition of the photographs carefully. Prolonged or permanent display of photographs is not recommended. Use unbuffered ragboard mats, and frame photographs with archivally sound materials. Use ultraviolet-filtering plexiglass to help protect the photographs during light exposure. Reproduce vulnerable or unique images and display the duplicate image; in this way, the original photograph can be properly stored and preserved.

Disaster preparedness begins by evaluating the storage location and the potential for damage in the event of a fire, flood, or other emergency. It is important to create a disaster preparedness plan that addresses the specific needs of the collection before a disaster occurs.

The location and manner in which photographs are housed can be the first line of defense. Identify photographic materials that are at higher risk of damage or loss. Remove all potentially damaging materials such as paper clips and poor-quality enclosures. Store negatives and prints in separate locations to increase the possibility of an image surviving a catastrophe. If a disaster occurs, protect the collection from damage by covering it with plastic sheeting and/or removing it from the affected area. If using plastic, make sure not to trap in moisture as this could lead to mold growth. Evaluate the situation and document the damage that has occurred. Contact a conservator as soon as possible for assistance and advice on the recovery and repair of damaged materials.

PS .If your photograph requires special attention or you are unsure about how to protect it, you should contact a conservator.To search for a conservator near you.

Cabaret of Spirits ATELIER

Cabaret of Spirits ATELIER

Treatment Options for Photographic Materials may include

mold removal
surface cleaning
stain reduction (only if possible and safe to do so)
tape and adhesive removal
separation from poor quality mounts
consolidation of cracked or flaking emulsion
mending tears or breaks
conservation of cased photographs and case repair
electro-cleansing of tarnished daguerreotypes
rehousing options
four-flap enclosures
clamshell boxes
polyester sleeves
conservation framing


Hundreds of millions of photographs have been lost over the years to natural disasters, wars, and the age-old urge to clean house. So there is something special about every old photograph that's survived. Someone decided to make it... someone else, to buy it... and a lot of someones decided to keep it over the years. Whether you're the caretaker of a treasured family album or a collector who has searched out the classics of photography, it's important to preserve and protect the images you value. Fortunately, there is new information about what to do and what to avoid. And there are specialized products available to help.



"most viewed this week on the years"

Me: I am modern day alchimist practicing photographic process of the 19th Century and the handcraft

Me: I am modern day alchimist practicing photographic process of the 19th Century and the handcraft

last year

Red light district

"When he died, 89 glass-plate negatives were found in his desk showing prostitutes taken in around 1912 in ‘Storyville‘ the red ...

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about me "work and lifestyle"

My photo
~ *~ It all starts as a photographer... the path leads me to specialized in the conservation & application of fine art and historic photographs and restoration of paper ... working in my Boudoir, CABARETøf SPIRITS ~ *~

Archive you missed the past months

Thursday 5 May 2011

Between a morning of sweetness ... and a late afternoon of lesson in Art History!

Giovedì 5 maggio 2011, alle ore 17.30, si presenta il volume
"SOUVENIR L’industria dell’antico e il Grand Tour a Roma"
di Antonio Pinelli, Editori Laterza.

Iniziativa all’interno del ciclo “Roma e il Settecento”.

Introduce e coordina: Francesco Moschini;
intervengono: Anna Ottani Cavina, Marco Vallora.
Ad apertura dell’incontro l’attore Roberto Scarpa racconta il libro.

In occasione della presentazione del volume nella sala del Consiglio sarà esposta una Mostra bibliografica dedicata alle pubblicazioni di Antonio Pinelli.

"Dal re di Svezia che acquista tutta la raccolta di antichità di Piranesi a chi si accontentava di molto meno: un mosaico minuto, una statuetta in biscuit, un piccolo Colosseo in sughero.
L’arte e l’ingegno al servizio dell’industria del ricordo.
Il Grand Tour è una sorta di pellegrinaggio laico, un irrinunciabile battesimo culturale delle élites europee del Settecento, con Roma meta indiscussa. Come in ogni pellegrinaggio che si rispetti, come non desiderare di riportare in patria souvenir del proprio viaggio? Senza toccare i vertici di Caterina Il di Russia che per L’Ermitage ordina una copia a scala naturale delle Logge Vaticane di Raffàello per la quale è necessario predisporre un’armata di copisti, anche chi non può permettersi acquisti coni imponenti si adopera per procurarsi originali o copie di opere d'arte antica.
Per soddisfare la domanda di questo agguerrito stuolo di compratori, Roma appresta un esercito altrettanto formidabile di produttori: artisti e artigiani di ineguagliabile talento, che con inventiva, scaltrezza e spirito imprenditoriale sanno incrementare e diversificare la propria offerta, ricorrendo a tecniche artistiche ben collaudate, inventandone di nuove o recuperandone di già sperimentate, per creare inedite tipologie di prodotti e suscitare nuove, irresistibili mode. E’ la nascita dell'industria dell'antico e del bello, un curioso fenomeno di domanda e offerta di ricordi della città eterna. Antonio Pinelli guida il lettore nell’esplorazione di questa galassia di eccellenze e raffinati virtuosismi, che preannuncia l'era dell'industria culturale di massa.